This article will focus on how to fight off cancer, and what to do avoid any form of this horrible disease.
First thing first, avoid stress because when you're stressed out that will release cortisol from your bi kidneys, and as you might have heard before, cortisol will weaken your Immuno Defense System here after referred to as IDS, by interacting on the cortisol receptor on your IDS cells.
What can I do if I get stressed?
First of all try to laugh at the situation, which is stressing you out, because laughter promotes serotonin, synthesis, second of all get alot of exercise. because exercise will promote the synthesis of BDNF (Brain derived neurotrophic factor), NGF (Nerve growth factor) and neutrophin-3 and neurotrophin-4, and all these proteins will help your brain stay stress free, which in turn will reduce the amount of cortisol in your body.
Avoid aspartame, because even though it has never been proved, that there is a connection between this synthetic sweetener and cancer, but there is certain evidence that this synthetic sweetener, can damage your brain thereby putting your body into a stressed mode.
Avoid MSG, also known as E621, Yeast extract, because there is actually evidence that this, Flavour enhancer is a little more then a flavour enhancer, it is also an excitotoxin, which means that it will agonize, the ionitropic glutamate receptors in your brain, The NMDA, kainate, AMPA and Mglur.
Have a strong believe it wont hit you, because, studies have shown that even placebo treatment of parkinsons disease can cure it just aslong as the people who were receiving the treatment believed that it would cure them, so imagine what believing that it wont hit you can do.
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