Today, there remains an increasing need for more effective curative methods for cancer. The medical industry is eager to develop an alternative cure that requires lesser treatment frame and faster recovery time for the patients.
A notable advancement in researches is the progress of studies regarding the chemical quassinoids. And where can these chemicals found? - within a simaruba tree.
Simaruba is a tree that can grow to more or less six meters in height. It has long crooked branches and leaves extending to twelve inches in length. The tree's grayish bark is often found in long pieces and its roots creep horizontally on the ground. Simaruba also bears white flowers that bloom in clusters.
The chemical content of simaruba is largely composed of quassinoids. These quassinoids are bitter terpenoid substances and are considered therapeutic agents. They can be used to cure malaria, parasitical infections and even cancer. Cancer is the main sickness that causes the most deaths yearly. So are these quassinoids good enough to really cure cancer?
Simaruba quassinoids, also referred to as simaroubolides, are oxygenated lactones that come in different types. Type I quassinoids known as Picrasane is further subdivided into groups A, B, C with reference to the position of their oxide bridges. Experiments revealed that quassinoids of the picrasane groups A and B have anti-tumor properties while the third group doesn't have any anti-carcinogen ability at all. A picrasane B quasinoid, bruceantin has already been tested in humans due to its notable cytotoxicity displayed in animal subjects. However, in humans, bruceantin only managed to cure a Stage I cancer because the human body can only accept a limited amount of the chemical. Groups A and B have also been discovered to trigger apoptosis to leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma cancer cells in animals.
Simaruba can be taken-in directly through extracts or decoctions directly. But is this method good enough to cure cancer? Simaruba quassinoids indeed posses a lot of beneficial abilities; however, for it to be able to cure cancer, they need to undergo more laboratory experiments. Since not all quassinoids in the simaruba can cure cancer, there is a need to isolate the beneficial chemicals. In synthesizing these quassinoids to medicine, the human tolerance to toxicity should also be considered. Humans have lower toxic capacity as compared to animals. Therefore, continuous direct injection of simaruba quassinoids may render harmful effects which befit one of the initial reasons for searching for alternative treatment. Furthermore, there's also the danger of drug resistance. Simaruba quassinoids are yet to show successful results in humans; and thus, the average time of developing drug resistance still remains a question. It is true that there are simaruba supplements such as tea are the only options people can use if they are interested in herbal medicine using this therapeutic plant. Supplements are not discouraged but it is recommended to check carefully the ingredients and possible restrictions of these supplements before taking them in.
In conclusion, simaruba can truly aid in treating cancer but its anti-cancerous properties should be further enhanced for greater effectiveness.
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