Monday, July 26, 2010

Magnificent iPhone Applications For Kids

If you're a parent, you know what it's like to have a bored and frustrated child. You've probably wished for a productive activity that would engage your child's interest. Well, have you tried iPhone applications for kids?

You may scoff at the idea that children as young as one or two could derive any benefit from playing with your iPhone. But take a look at some of the child-oriented apps on the market today. There are activities that build your child's language skills and others that hone your child's hand-eye coordination and creativity.

Take, for example, reading! It may be hard for you to imagine reading a full-sized novel on your phone, even though there are iPhone apps to enable you to do just that. But the smaller format of the iPhone screen is perfect for the colorful pictures and minimal words of a child's picture book. For this reason, many of the most popular iPhone applications for kids capitalize on these very features. Given the right apps, your child may actually learn to read on your iPhone!

If your children have played with your iPhone at all, you've probably already noticed their obsession with it; it's almost impossible to extract the unit from a child's sweaty little grip. So there's no reason not to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity for learning! When you download children's apps to your phone, make sure that they're both entertaining and educational. Choose activities in which the child can participate rather than just things for him to watch.

One of the most amazing things about iPhone applications for kids is their cost - or lack of it! While many games available for personal computers or game systems are quite expensive, as of this writing most iPhone apps cost only a few dollars -- and some are free. Contrast this also with the cost of downloads to the most popular designated e-readers. Downloading a score of children's books from these e-readers' parent sites can really add up. On the other hand, downloading a picture book onto your iPhone costs little if anything at all.

So before you travel one more mile with your toddler, download some iPhone applications for kids. Just make sure you've put your phone into airplane mode, disabling its transmission functions, before you give it to your child. Then sit back and marvel as your child enjoys a marvelous learning experience - and you enjoy some peace and quiet!

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