Monday, July 26, 2010

Remove Google Redirect Virus - One Easy Method to Remove Google Redirect Virus

Google Redirect Virus is a type of trojan which redirects your Google search to a unwanted webpage. There are many ways people use to describe this situation. Some of them are Google search Redirect, Internet redirect, search redirecting, Google virus redirect, Google redirect problem and so on. What ever the name is the situation is difficult. Many of you will be thinking that this is a problem with But that is not true. The actual culprit is a trojan hiding in your computer. This trojan gets in to your computer when you download free software from unknown or torrent websites.

Once installed on your computer this trojan will enable itself when you restart your computer and will change your browsing settings. Google redirect virus changes the hosts file configuration on your computer. When you search a topic on, the search result you get is mostly unrelated or off topic. Some times the search will result in webpage redirect and it will bring unwanted website which promotes advertisements. The trojan will also restrict your access to many security related websites.

One Easy Method To Remove Google Redirect Virus

You can try a complete computer scan using your antivirus program to remove this infection. If your antivirus program is not detecting the infection then you need to use special free spyware removal tool to remove the trojan.

Using Free Spyware Removal tool to remove this infection is a easy and safe method. The tool will scan your computer for any infection and will remove it automatically.

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